Christ Presbyterian
A Christ-Centered Community.
Christ Presbyterian Church is a Christ-centered community of believers who are seeking to glorify God through their love for one another. We are deeply committed to reaching the community around us in Newnan and supporting Gospel missions around the globe. We would love for you to join us at our next Sunday service!
Get involved at CPC!
From small groups to weekday meetups to midweek Bible studies for men and women, we have lots of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another in their walk with Christ.
2024 VBS!
We had a blast as we hosted our first ever VBS! There were fun and games, lessons about Missions work across the globe, and a lot of talking about was wonderful! We even had special appearances from an eccentric vulture, a trendy Rahab, and a goat-gifting Joshua.
A big shout out to all the "Olympions" who joined us and a big thank you to all our student and adult volunteers who made VBS week truly fantastic. Also, a special mention has to go to the Huff family who led us so well and made this tremendous week possible!
Latest Sermon
Here is where you can access the most recent sermon preached at Christ Presbyterian Church or browse our sermon archive below.