
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"

Matthew 28:19

The Kingdom of God is made up of people from all over the world, including people of every race, tongue, and tribe. This truth leads us to strive for a Kingdom focus, knowing that the body of Christ is bigger than our church and community. This focus plays out in both our commitment to support long-term missions throughout the world as well as going on short term mission trips as a body.

Active Missionaries

 Here is some helpful information on some of the missionaries and ministries we are currently supporting. Please join us in praying that God would continue to bless their work, as well as protect and sustain them as they serve His Kingdom throughout the world.


Derek and Catalina met on the mission field in Mexico.   They now serve with the Mission to the World (PCA) on a church plant team in Romania.  Their vision is to help identify, train, and resource young leaders for a nationally-led church-planting movement!  Their service includes English as a Second Language (ESL), leadership training, and university ministry.


Belgium with
Operation Mobilization
The Van de Hoeves serve since July 2017 in Belgium. Edgar supports the growing international team as the personnel officer. He helps new workers with visa applications and all the logistics of coming to and staying in the country. We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the unreached in Belgium.


Latin American
Church Adviser/Trainer
Jim serves the Latin American Church as adviser and trainer.  Under his guidance they have launched many Presbyterian churches, especially in the area just south of the California/Mexico boarder.  There goal is 50 new churches.


Serving in Nairobi, Kenya
with The Rafiki Foundation
Rachel serves as an instructor and Director of the Music Department for The Rafiki Foundation in Nairobi Kenia. The Rafiki Foundation works with orphans and widows as well as providing a PreK through twelfth grade Christian classical education for local students and teachers colleges for future teachers through the Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute.  


Linguist with TEAM Mission
Kathleen serves with TEAM Mission as a Linguist, assigned to translate the Bible into Chad’s Runga language.  After a year in Annecy France learning French she will head to Chad, learn Arabic and a local trade language before immersing herself in Runga.  Pray for God’s enablement through the multiple language learning process so she can soon focus on Runga!


Moldova is the poorest of the former Soviet bloc countries,
with many poor and elderly freezing or starving to death every winter.

We send support to enable area churches to provide wood and monthly food packages.

The local churches have seen many recipients come to faith
and join the church through this ministry.

For more information or ways to contribute to Moldova Ministry,
please contact David Ecklebarger.

Join our upcoming Belgium mission

October 2023

In October, we are traveling to Belgium to help Operation Mobilization (OM) . We will be assisting them with construction projects and helping evangelize the surrounding community. We have a received a $5,000 matching grant for the first $5,000 we raise. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to reach out to Drew Archer at drew@cpcnewnan.com.

However, if you'd rather give towards the trip, pledge "cards" are available in the weekly bulletin and can be placed in the offering plate or given to David Ecklebarger or Jenny Shumake. You also can pledge online by clicking the link below and selecting "Missions" in the giving drop-down option. 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.